Friday, January 13, 2006

Happy Friday

It has been a long week and I'm glad its almost over. Last night I went recording shopping. Got a few new and several used recordings. The used were mostly stuff I liked on vinyl and wanted a copy on CD. I was supposed to go pick up my new contacts, but forgot and didn't get there in time. Spent too long looking for music.

Work has been busy. Just dumper load after dumper load of salt. I'm not keeping up and should work OT, but don't. I did Monday, only because I needed to spend time out of of the office with Thing 3 at an appointment.

Hoping to go to a birthday party of a friend tonight. I'm not big on parties. I'll know one person there. Yikes! That sort of stuff freaks me out. Saturday I'm hoping to watch a movie or two with a friend. Not sure on that yet. Sunday, I think I'll need to sleep until bedtime. That's a joke son.

Late for work as usual, time to go.

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